No One Told Arkansas Corn Crop There Was a Drought

United Country – Mason & Morse Farm Ranch Company Provides Insight Into State's Ag Market


While most of the Corn Belt is in the grip of one of the worst droughts in modern times, experts say some Arkansas cropland has been fairing much better, and irrigated farmland in the state has been especially resilient this Summer.

While most of the Corn Belt is in the grip of one of the worst droughts in modern times, experts say some Arkansas cropland has been fairing much better

According to the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, the state’s corn crop is in much better shape than the rest of the nation. However, because of the rough weather conditions during the growing season this year, land sales have been scarce as of late due to a dramatic increase in commodity prices.

“Some smaller tracts have sold in the state have sold for $6,000 to $7,000 an acre, but without the same return on investment as we have seen in prior years,” said Linda Niebur, national director of farms for United Country Real Estate and broker associate with United Country – Mason & Morse Farm Ranch Company.

Investments on Arkansas agriculture properties have shown a 3.5 to 4.5 percent in the past, usually on crop share rental structures.

“The highest known per-acre transaction for a large tract traded in 2011 provided a projected 3.8% return on a crop share rent,” said Niebur. “Few, if any, large as sales have provided the level of crop diversity buyers are looking for.”

Some properties stand out among the rough conditions, such as a 1,620-acre grain farm in the Delta, which the farmer will lease back offering a solid five-percent return.

“This farm is located only 10 miles from another farm for sale that consist of 1,560 acres making this opportunity even more beneficial for an investor or a large farmer wanting to expand,” said Bart Miller, managing broker with United Country – Mason & Morse Farm Ranch Company. “No comparable farms are known to be on the market in the Delta at this time.”
