China's economic growth to continue being energy-exhaustive and highly polluting


The economic growth of China will continue to be energy- exhaustive and highly polluting in the future, according to a study.

The study published in the International Journal of Global Energy Issues has revealed that China's fast economic growth will result in increased carbon emissions.

Economist Yanqing Xia of Dongbei from University of Finance and Economics, and the Northeast Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Liaoning has looked at data as old as a decade from 30 Chinese provinces to build a comprehensive model of pollution, energy consumption and economic growth in the country.

The model also gives a positive look at average gross domestic product (GDP), but gives a miserable look at the medium-term view regarding lack of sustainability and environmental targets.

China's economic growth is focused on the development of manufacturing and heavy industries, export and fixed asset investment, and energy consumption is thus growing rapidly.

This rapid increase in energy consumption and the rise in pollution and carbon emissions reflects rapid economic growth, but unfortunately is harming the environment on a global scale, having a tremendous impact on ecological systems.

Xia said that though China is a rapidly developing nation, but it should lay utmost importance to economic growth and environmental protection and they must bound together.

She said that economic growth may continue unhindered for many years in China, but the environmental damages may become a barrier for opportunities in future.

source: Asia Pacific News.Net