McGuinty Government Helps Create Up To 200 New Jobs In Mississauga


Ontario is investing in a new solar manufacturing plant that is creating 71 new jobs in Mississauga. The plant will employ up to 200 people at full capacity and distribute solar panels across North America.

McGuinty Government Helps Create Up To 200 New Jobs In Mississauga

Silfab Ontario Inc. has made a significant investment in Ontario and is now producing high-efficiency solar panels. The Italy-based company was attracted to Ontario by the province's vibrant clean energy economy and made Ontario their first and only plant in North America.

Ontario is on track to eliminate coal-fired power by the end of 2014 and move to an electricity system that is clean, modern and reliable using renewable sources of power - like wind and solar. Ontario is quickly becoming a world leader in clean energy.

The province currently has more than 200 megawatts of solar capacity connected from over 4,600 solar projects - enough electricity to power over 30,000 homes.

Attracting clean energy investments is a key component of the plan laid out in Ontario's 2011 Budget - Turning the Corner - to create and support 10,000 new and existing jobs for Ontario families and strengthen local economies.

source: Canadian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade