How businesses can impact climate change


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most significant of the greenhouse gases, accounting for over 80 percent of climate change pollution. Atmospheric levels of CO2 are now higher than at any time in the past 420,000 years. And the changes we are witnessing - and those that are predicted - are largely due to human behavior.

Around 97 percent of the CO2 emitted by western industrialized countries comes from burning coal, oil and gas for energy. We spew approximately 25 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. That's about 800 metric tons every second. Not surprisingly, a global temperature build-up on this scale is seriously disrupting the natural balance of the world's climate.

Black Noddy (Anous minutus) taking off at sunset. Sea birds' colony. New Caledonia, France
© WWF-Canon / Roger LeGUEN
It is not what you think, but how you think
Businesses must play a vital role in reducing the impacts of climate change. They can do this by implementing technologies that reduce CO2 emissions. The link between sound environmental practices and profitable, long-term business sustainability makes it increasingly important for businesses to make better use of resources and create more energy-efficient products. Already, risks associated with environmental issues are considered right along-side other factors that impact a company’s performance and value.

Moving towards a sustainable future
WWF partners with companies to help them achieve their environmental objectives. With our global reach, scientific expertise and in-depth knowledge across a full spectrum of environmental issues, we are positioned to assist companies interested in reducing their environmental footprint. We offer comprehensive assessment and measurement tools to identify key issues, develop best practices, set effective benchmarks and verify improved environmental impacts. By addressing the environmental issues inherent in their business model, companies not only improve their practices, but also ensure the sustainability of their core business and transform entire markets toward a more sustainable future.

Source: World Wildlife Foundation