Togo Agricultural Sector Support Project


The overall development objectives of the Bank-financed project is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche (MAEP, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) to manage the implementation of its national investment plan and prepare the move towards a full-fledged Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in the future, as well as to assist in improving productivity of targeted beneficiaries in selected sub-sectors (strategic food crops, traditional export crops, and freshwater fish farming). This will contribute to support the Government of Togo (GoT) in its over-arching goal to increase food security and reduce poverty. The proposed outcome indicators are: (i) number of farmers having access to critical inputs and services; (ii) adoption rate of improved production practices; (iii) productivity increases in targeted sub-sectors (rice, maize, cassava, cotton, coffee, cocoa, freshwater aquaculture); (iv) increased rates of sector budget execution and implementation of the activities of the Programme National d'Investissement Agricole et de Sécurité Alimentaire (PNIASA); (v) progress made towards favorable conditions to launch a full-fledged SWAp in the medium-term (e.g. mediumterm expenditure framework in place, strengthened country systems, harmonized procedures).

Source: ReliefWeb