Teachers called to create the World’s Largest Lesson


Education International and its global partners have launched the World’s Largest Lesson Plan, a project which invites the world’s teachers to educate and popularise the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, to be launched in September.


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In September 2015, the United Nations is announcing the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of global goals that aim to make our planet fair, healthy and sustainable by 2030. “The World’s Largest Lesson” brings together UNICEF, led by the UK-based Project Everyoneand with the support of TES Global and Education International (EI). This is one of a series of “Project Everyone” initiatives that will share the goals throughout the world and is being spearheaded by the campaigner, and producer of popular movies, including “Love Actually,” Richard Curtis.

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Through a global online competition, teachers around the world are being invited to develop unique lesson plans or ideas about the principles and themes of the goals. Winning lesson ideas will be celebrated throughout the world and published as a global set of learning resources on The World’s Largest Lesson website, which includes a wonderful video featuring footage from EI’s “A Day in the Life” documentary, to enable teachers to craft a relevant lesson on The Goals for the children that they teach.

This multilingual project has great potential to help teachers educate future generations on the world’s most pressing issues.

Once uploaded, all lesson plans can be viewed, shared and rated by peers on the TES lesson plan platform, used by millions of educators around the world. The top rated plan from each of the five global regions will be crowned a winner. The winning classroom, teacher, or school will be celebrated

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The winning teachers will be invited, along with their school, to take part in a filmed lesson event with a visiting celebrity. They also have the chance to be celebrated at EI’s 7th World Congress in Ottawa this July.

Source: Education International