UNESCO and UNICEF Unite with Partners to Define Education’s Role Beyond 2015


As we approach 2015, there is an urgent need to review progress towards the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and discuss new options on how they can be achieved. United Nations Development Group (UNDG) is leading efforts to catalyse a “global conversation” on post-2015 through 50 national consultations and nine global thematic consultations by March 2013.

\To contribute to this process, UNESCO and UNICEF, with other United Nations (UN) agencies and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), will launch a six-month “global conversation” with leading education stakeholders in September. Participants include governments and local authorities, international and regional organizations, the private sector, technical and vocational education and training institutions, NGOs, civil society and community-based organizations.

This global education consultation will be carried out through an interactive web platform, internet-based talks and face-to-face meetings, and will have four main components:

1. Regional meetings to analyse the relevant themes integrated into established EFA or other education meetings and post-2015 platforms and fora.

2. A global consultation of education NGOs during the Collective Consultation NGO meeting from 24-26 October 2012 in Paris, France.

3. Two global online consultations to engage youth/children and experts, academics, development partners and NGOs.

4. A global meeting of ministers, officials, representatives, civil society, NGO coalitions, UN partners, and the Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel to discuss the key three themes and identify trends, gaps and opportunities, develop ideas and examine policies for greater quality education for all.

Source: UNESCO