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Indian Police Charge TV Channel for Gang-Rape Interview

Renewed protests against public apathy and police incompetence erupted in India Saturday after the boyfriend of the New Delhi gang-rape victim recounted witnessing the gruesome crime. Police are refuting his claims.

Child recruitment by armed groups in Central African Republic must end – UN

Former child soldiers draw in a UNICEF-assisted transit centre in the...

Obama Hails US Fiscal Cliff Deal

U.S. President Barack Obama says he has kept his promise to America by working with Congress to change a tax code that he says too often benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.

IMF Comments on U.S. “Fiscal Cliff” Measures

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) welcome the action by the U.S. Congress to avoid sudden tax increases and spending cuts, including through an extension of unemployment benefits during 2013. In the absence of Congress...