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Nigeria's President Calls Special Meeting to Address Violence

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has summoned his National Security Council to a Thursday meeting in Abuja, after suspected militants carried out a string of deadly attacks and abducted more than 100 school girls.

The bees' burden: new report reveals bee pollen contaminated by dozens of toxic pesticides

beesBayer action_0_0.jpg
On 16 April 2014, Greenpeace activists unfurled a 10 x 17m banner at the Bayer...

US: China's Currency 'Significantly Undervalued'

The United States Treasury criticized China for "significantly" undervaluing its currency, but again refrained from labeling Beijing a currency manipulator.

Eavesdropping on brain cell chatter

Shining a light on astrocytes. This image is an artist’s representation of an astrocyte. The lig...