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Former Alabama Corrections Officers Sentenced for Identity Theft and Tax Fraud

Bryant Thompson was sentenced to serve 120 months in prison and Quincy Walton was sentenced to serve 84 months in prison for their roles in a stolen identity refund fraud scheme, announced Assistant Attorney General Kathry...

Analyst: Counterterrorism Likely Focus of US-Africa Summit

Africa analyst Bronwyn Bruton said she does not expect to hear a lot about human rights issues during the forthcoming US/Africa leaders’ summit in Washington.

Norovirus is the leading cause of disease outbreaks from contaminated food in the U.S.


Investment in midwifery can save millions of lives of women and newborns

A report released by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund together with the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), WHO and partners reveals that major deficits in the midwifery workforce occur in 73 countries...