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Nationwide Study Reveals Significant Differences in Adult Substance Use Rates among Various Hispanic-American Groups

A new national study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reveals that Hispanic-American adults have lower levels of current alcohol use than the national average (46.1 percent versus 5...

WHO responds to health needs in Pakistan floods

The worst floods on record in Pakistan are placing the health of hundreds of thousands of people at risk, with a high threat of waterborne disease outbreaks and immense damage to health facilities. WHO is coordinating the...

Save the Children Increases Efforts to Reach Families Stranded in Pakistan

Save the Children deployed its rapid response team to the worst-affected and hardest to reach communities in Pakistan's Swat Valley, where record-breaking monsoon rains have triggered deadly floods and mudslides. The team...

Analysis: HIV generics under threat from tighter patenting rules

Most of the estimated 5.2 million people worldwide on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment are taking generic versions manufactured primarily in India, but tighter global intellectual property rights and trade rules could shut d...