
Greenpeace defies Russian attempt to prevent Arctic oil protest, enters Kara Sea

Activists aboard the Greenpeace ship plan to engage in a peaceful protest against oil exploration adjacent to the Russian Arctic National Park, where Russian oil major Rosneft and US partner ExxonMobil are preparing to drill - in violation of Russia’s...

On 40th anniversary, Air National Guard MAFFS crews busy fighting wildfires

MAFFS 6, a C130J from the 146th Airlift Wing in Port Hueneme, Calif., drops a line of retardant over the...

Community Groups File Legal Challenge to Bay Area Planning Agencies for a Better, Smarter Growth Plan

Earthjustice, Communities for a Better Environment, and the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit challenging the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments’ most recent regional transportation plan in Alameda County...

Russia shuts Greenpeace out of Arctic sea route, stifles criticism of oil industry

Greenpeace International claims the decision is an attempt to prevent it from exposing the activities of Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft. Multiple vessels contracted by Rosneft and US partner ExxonMobil are conducting seismic testing and...