
Microplastic levels in Sargasso Sea comparable to Great Pacific Garbage Patch

A team of Greenpeace scientists has discovered extreme concentrations of microplastic pollution in the North Atlantic Ocean during an expedition to the Sargasso Sea, a critical nursery for baby turtles and other wildlife.

Japan funds toxic coal plants abroad emitting more pollution than domestic plants – Greenpeace analysis

The Japanese Government and its public finance agencies JBIC, JICA, NEXI are exporting pollution to other countries by funding coal-fired power plants abroad, that emit far more toxic air pollutants than would be allowed in Japan.

Javier Bardem calls on world leaders to agree a Global Ocean Treaty

On August 19, Oscar winner actor Javier Bardem was in Times Square to demand a “GLOBAL OCEAN TREATY NOW” as an electronic billboard displayed threatened marine life.

Greenpeace analysis ranks global SO2 air pollution hotspots

Power plants and industries burning coal and oil are responsible for two-thirds of the anthropogenic sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission hotspots tracked by NASA satellites, according to a Greenpeace India analysis. Oil refineries and metals smelters are...