
Menominee Tribe Takes Action To Protect Its Namesake River

On November 6, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (“Tribe”), represented by Earthjustice, gave legal notice of intent to pursue federal litigation, to ensure that the health of the Menominee River and portions of the Tribe’s ancestral homeland...

No time to waste: climate impacts demand response at Pacific COP

In a year marked by devastating hurricanes, floods and drought, Greenpeace said real world leaders must stand up at the UN climate talks in Bonn and propel climate action forward or be held accountable for their inaction.

Bonn: UN climate conference aims for greater ambition as 2017 set to be among top three hottest years

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), at podium,...

Newly discovered orangutan species in Indonesia already at risk

Researchers have announced the discovery of a new species of orangutan in the north of Sumatra Island. The Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) is the first new addition in almost a century to the small club of great apes, joining its fellow...