
EPA Settlement with FMC Corp. Enforces Federal Pesticide Safety Protections

FMC Corporation has agreed to pay a $1 million penalty to settle alleged violations of federal pesticide regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on December 19.

Earthjustice On EPA's Latest Clean Power Plan Gambit: Scott Pruitt's Stalling Tactics Are On Way To Respond To Our Urgent Climate Crisis


U.S. EPA Requires Salinas Facility to Reduce Risk of Spills to Monterey Bay Watershed

On December 19, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Encore Oils, LLC and Ottone-Salinas, Inc., to take steps to reduce the risk of oil spills from their biodiesel processing facility in Salinas, CA to the Monterey Bay...

Earthjustice Statement On Vote To Open Arctic Refuge To Oil And Gas Drilling

The tax bill passed by both chambers of Congress includes language allowing oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, marking the end of long-standing statutory prohibitions against oil development in this cherished Alaskan...