
Interior Department Wants to Open 90 Percent of US Continental Shelf to Drilling

The U.S. Department of the Interior has announced plans to open up 90 percent of America's coastal waters to oil drilling, including off California and Florida, two areas where activists have worked for years to protect marine ecosystems from oil...

Trump Administration's New Leasing Plan Would Expand Offshore Drilling Everywhere

The Trump administration unveiled its proposed Five-Year Plan for offshore leasing on January 4th. This proposal—which identifies which offshore territories could ultimately be auctioned off to the fossil fuel industry for oil and gas drilling—exposes...

EPA provides over $1 million for diesel reductions from Portland-area trucks and equipment

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing two Portland-area organizations with over $1 million to reduce harmful diesel emissions from trucks and construction equipment in the Portland metro region.

Bulgarian government silently moves to open almost half of Pirin National Park to construction despite public concerns

In a surreptitious move, the government of Bulgaria approved on last Thursday alarming new changes to the Pirin National Park management plan that could allow construction in up to 48 per cent of the park, a World Heritage site home to bears, chamois...