
Deal for more CO2 emission cuts by 2030 endorsed in committee

CO2 emitted by transport, farming, buildings and waste must be cut by 30%, and CO2 emitted and absorbed by forestry and land use must balance out, by 2030.

EPA requires closures of 19 illegal cesspools in Hawaii in 2017

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s enforcement actions this year in Hawaii resulted in closures of 19 large capacity cesspools (LCC) and over $500,000 in fines.

Civil society unites to deliver a bold message to leaders at the World Economic Forum

Greenpeace Switzerland activists projected messages from Amnesty International, European Trade Union Confederation, Fight Inequality Alliance, Greenpeace, International Trade Union Confederation, Public Eye, Attac Switzerland and the Swiss Coalition...

Greenpeace submarine captures rare footage of the Antarctic seafloor ‘carpeted with life’

Greenpeace International has released its first submarine footage from a part of the Antarctic seafloor never before visited by humans. The footage shows a seafloor ‘carpeted with life’ as well as ‘clear indications of a vulnerable marine ecosystem...