
New IUCN guide highlights how sports industry can contribute to biodiversity conservation

A new guide designed to help the sports industry understand its potential impacts on nature and options for mitigating them, as well as identify new opportunities for sport to enhance conservation, was released by IUCN, International Union for...

DTE Gas Plant A Nearly $1 Billion Mistake For Michigan

On April 27, the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) approved DTE Energy’s nearly billion-dollar gas plant proposal for East China Township. The proposal drew opposition from customers, businesses, elected officials, and clean energy advocates...

Pipeline Construction Races Forward In The Atchafalaya Basin Ahead Of Hearing

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit will hear oral arguments Monday on the appeal of a decision made by U.S. District Court Judge Shelly Dick to grant a preliminary injunction to halt construction on the portion of...

Alarming "Salmon Extinction ACT" Passes In U.S. House

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The Lower Granite Dam is one of the four Lower Snake River dams Earthjustice is fighting to remove.