
Over 340 Organizations Call On Trump Administration To Abandon Rushed Rewrite Of National Environmental Policy ACT

NEPA helps communities protect themselves from dangerous, rushed or poorly planned federal projects. It was...

Monsanto loses world’s first Roundup cancer trial — Greenpeace comment

Greenpeace International is calling for urgent action to curb the use of toxic pesticides after a US court case found Roundup had contributed to a former school groundskeeper’s cancer.

Earthjustice On EPA's Coal Power SCAM: A Big Leap In The Wrong Direction On Climate Pollution

On August 21, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled a proposal to gut the Obama-era Clean Power Plan and allow greedy corporate polluters to dump more carbon pollution into the atmosphere. The Trump administration effort comes as...

Court Upholds National Safeguard For Coal Ash: Nation's No.2 Toxic Pollution Threat

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a decision holding on August 21, that the first-ever federal safeguards set by the Obama administration for coal ash dumps do not sufficiently protect communities and the environment from pollution...