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Climate Impacts and adaptation

Climate is changing rapidly and its effects already are being felt. The impacts will grow and will profoundly affect us, our kids, grandkids and subsequent generations; and will affect wildlife and everything else we care about. Our challenge: to slow...

How businesses can impact climate change

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most significant of the greenhouse gases, accounting for over 80 percent of climate change pollution. Atmospheric levels of CO2 are now higher than at any time in the past 420,000 years. And the changes we are witnessing -...

National Lightning Safety Awareness Week 21-26 June 2010

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Observed the last full week of June, National Lightning Safety Awareness Week not only helps get safety messages out in time for the Fourth of July, but also signals summer as lightning season. Outside is the most dangerous place to...

EPA and States Complete First Phase of Unprecedented School Air Monitoring Initiative

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced it had completed air quality testing outside 63 schools in 22 states and at two tribal schools. The testing was done as part of an unprecedented school air monitoring initiative...