
Environment: Pooling information to combat the threat of alien species in Europe

How many plants can be found in the Alps that are not native to that region? Which animals were deliberately or accidently introduced to the Danube? How big a threat will they become to local wildlife? EASIN, the European Alien Species Information...

Motorcycle Importer Pays Penalty to Resolve Clean Air Violations

EPA has reached a settlement with a motorcycle importer, International Motorsports, LLC (IMS) to resolve violations of the federal Clean Air Act related to the importation of 124 motorcycles into the United States.

Ozone layer on track to recover over next five decades, Ban says on International Day

Implementing cost-effective measures would help reduce black carbon, methane and ozone emissions

Ozone layer on track to recover over next five decades, Ban says on International Day

mplementing cost-effective measures would help reduce black carbon, methane and ozone emissions