
Floridians Stand Up for Clean Water at EPA Meetings in Tampa

Boaters, anglers and swimmers headed to the spring-fed Santa Fe River near Gainesville, FL for the 2012 Memorial Day weekend...

Cordele, Georgia, Resident Indicted for Using Stolen Identities on False Tax Returns

On Friday a federal grand jury in Macon, Ga., returned an indictment charging Kimberly Michelle Banks, a resident of Cordele, Ga., with crimes involving the use of stolen identities on false federal income tax returns in order to obtain refunds to...

Thai ivory ban needed to save elephants

Tens of thousands of African elephants are being killed each year to supply the...

Majority of world’s largest companies shifting to clean energy

With discussions focusing on renewable energy at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi this week, a recently-released report from Calvert Investments, Ceres and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) shows that most of the world’s largest companies aren’t...