
U. S. House Representatives Introduce Bill To Protect Public Health in Appalachia

In mountaintop removal mining, explosives are used to blast apart mountaintops and extract coal, and...

Star Lawless slams oil giant Shell outside court

Film and TV star Lucy Lawless and seven activists were today convicted and sentenced to 120 hours community service each for attempting to stop an Arctic-bound oil drilling ship last year.

Poachers kill over 11,000 elephants in Gabon

Over 10,000 elephants like this one have been killed by poachers in Gabon since 2004.

Japan utilities at risk unless they adapt to changed market forces - Greenpeace

The report 'Beyond Nuclear: The triple challenge facing Japanese utilities', identifies three main issues the industry faces: a new wave of market deregulation, the devaluation of nuclear assets and breakthroughs in the deployment of renewables — and...