
Greenpeace urges Mauritius to deny entry to suspected illegal South Korean fishing vessel

Owned by Dongwon Industries, the purse seine fishing boat Premier is sailing to Port Louis, where it has been given permission to enter by Mauritian authorities, despite the fact it has been accused of illegal fishing off the coast of Africa. The...

Japan and Russia increase penalties for wildlife crimes

Two convicted elephant poachers are handcuffed at the jail in Oyem, Gabon. Elephant poaching carries a three...

Call to Action on Recognizing the True Value of Nature

More and more countries are putting natural assets like clean water, forests and other ecosystems into the center of their economic decision-making, a High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Natural Capital Accounting, on the eve of the World Bank-IMF...

San Pedro River Condemned by Arizona Department of Water Resources

The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. The desert riparian ecosystem of the Upper San Pedro River is one of a...