
U.S. National Academy Report Finds Serious Fault with BLM's Wild Horse and Burro Management Program

The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) welcomes a new report by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) that clearly indicates the need for a major overhaul in the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) wild horse and burro management program. The report,...

On World Environment Day, OSCE Chair calls for greater attention to safety of food and energy sources

Food security, environmental protection, green economies and renewable energy sources are interlinked, says OSCE Chair

On World Environment Day, UN spotlights ‘absurdity’ of global food waste

Children in the United Arab Emirates on World Environment Day.

WWF calls for major investment in clean and renewable energy with launch of new global campaign

A wind farm near La Calahorra in Andalucia, Spain, at sunset.