

Which Is Smarter: Photosynthesis or Photovoltaics?

If living plants were pitted against man-made solar energy to determine which is more efficient at harvesting sunlight, which would you choose to come out on top: plant leaves or solar cells?

Plants such as corn (left) use photosynthesis to convert sunlight and water into fuel in a manner similar to using photovoltaic cells (right) to drive electrolysis that splits off the hydrogen from water for fuel.


Smart Cable Adds On 3D-Like Depth

3D software developers are already hawking automatic conversion algorithms for converting normal movies into 3D, but they still require a special display. Now a patented new technology claims to add 3D-like depth to existing video sources—including games—without requiring a special display.



Aquarius to Illuminate Links Between Salt, Climate

Simulated ocean salinity data for NASA's Aquarius instrument. Image


LIBYA: How online mapping helped crisis response

Soon after the Libyan crisis broke, decision-makers and humanitarian workers faced a critical challenge: lack of information about events inside the country.


Supercomputer Simulates Extreme Physics

A powerful supercomputer code update will allow laboratories and universities a better understanding of high-energy density physics and provide insight into the basic properties of matter in extreme situations.

Fusion experiments, like this one National Ignition Facility at LLNL, previously required complex and expensive equipment. The software updates will allow for accurate computer simulations of these experiments.


Five New Technologies That Will Change Enterprise Computing

These five technologies are the next big things in enterprise computing

This fall will see the adoption and increased widespread use of new technologies that will alter the way enterprise computing is accomplished. Some of these technologies come from the consumer technology side of the business, some are grown from labs, and some are the result of integrating existing technologies. Check out our top five picks for technologies that will change the game in enterprise computing.


Boeing Delivers Super Hornet Trainers to Royal Australian Air Force

Boeing today announced it has completed delivery of six F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircrew and maintenance trainers to the Royal Australian Air Force at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland.


Apple iPhone 4 Antenna Works with Bumper: Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports retested the Apple iPhone 4, this time with a “bumper” case on it, and found the bumper fixed the smartphone’s antenna issues. Still, the magazine said it was up to Apple, not consumers, to pay for such a fix.


NASA's Swift and Hubble Probe Asteroid Collision Debris

Faint dust plumes bookend asteroid (596) Scheila, which is overexposed in this composite. Visible and ultraviolet images from Swift's UVOT (circled) are merged with a Digital Sky Survey image of the same region. The UVOT images were acquired on Dec. 15, 2010, when the asteroid was about 232 million miles from Earth.


Voyager Set to Enter Interstellar Space

Voyager: Humanity's Farthest Journey
Mission team members discuss the past and future of the Voyager
Interstellar Mission and the spacecrafts' path to the edge of the solar system.