Law Enforcement

Former Loan Officer at Export-Import Bank Pleads Guilty to Accepting Over $78,000 in Bribes

A former loan officer at the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) pleaded guilty in federal court for accepting more than $78,000 in bribes in return for recommending the approval of unqualified loan applications to the bank, among other misconduct on April 22.

Justice Department Sues San Francisco Enrolled Agent to Bar Promotion of Abusive Tax Avoidance Schemes and From Preparing Tax Returns for Others

The United States filed a complaint to bar a San Francisco enrolled agent and tax return preparer from implementing, facilitating and promoting allegedly abusive tax shelters and tax avoidance schemes, the Justice Department announced on April 22.

Texas-Based Citizens Medical Center Agrees to Pay United States $21.75 Million to Settle Alleged False Claims Act Violations

Citizens Medical Center, a county-owned hospital in Victoria, Texas, has agreed to pay the United States $21,750,000 to settle allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by engaging in improper financial relationships with referring physicians, the Justice Department announced on April 21.

Convicted Bank Robber, Drug Dealer and Two Others Sentenced to Prison for $1 Million Stolen Identity Tax Refund Fraud Scheme

Four Portland, Oregon, residents were sentenced in the U.S. District Court in Portland for a multi-year stolen identity tax refund scheme to defraud the United States of more than $1 million in tax refunds on April 21, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and Acting U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams of the District of Oregon.

Family Dermatology PcCAgrees to Pay United States More Than $3.2 Million to Settle Alleged False Claims Act Violations

Family Dermatology P.C. which owns and operates a dermatopathology laboratory in Georgia and a number of dermatology practices throughout the Eastern United States, has agreed to pay the United States $3,247,835 plus interest to settle allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by engaging in improper financial relationships with a number of its employed physicians, the Justice Department announced on April 21.

Federal Court in Memphis, Tennessee, Enters Injunction Against Tax Return Preparer

The federal court in the Western District of Tennessee has enjoined Stephanie Edmond and her business, the Tax Factory and the Tax Factory Enterprise Inc., from preparing improper federal income tax returns.

New York City Tax Return Preparer Pleads Guilty to Preparing and Filing False Tax Returns

A Queens, New York, tax return preparer pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn on April 16, New York, to 38 counts of aiding and assisting in the preparation of false federal income tax returns and four counts of filing false personal income tax returns, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division.

Former Alabama Nightclub Owner and Ringleader of Stolen Identity Tax Refund Fraud Scheme Sentenced to Prison

The ringleader of a stolen identity tax refund fraud scheme and former nightclub owner was sentenced in the U.S. District Court in Montgomery on April 15, Alabama, for stolen identity refund fraud related crimes, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney George L. Beck Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama.

Justice Department Asks Federal Court to Shut Down Fraudulent Florida Tax Return Preparer

The United States has filed a complaint seeking to permanently bar a West Palm Beach, Florida, area man and his business from preparing federal tax returns for others, the Justice Department announced on April 15.

U.S. Navy Officer Pleads Guilty to Selling Classified Ship Schedules as Part of Expanding Navy Bribery Probe

A lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy pleaded guilty to bribery charges in federal court on April 15, admitting that he accepted cash, hotel expenses and the services of a prostitute in return for providing classified U.S. Navy ship schedules and other internal Navy information to an executive of a defense contracting firm.