Human Rights

Criminal punishment for critical journalism has chilling effect on free speech in Turkey, says OSCE media freedom representative

The prison sentence meted out to journalist Ahmet Altan for insulting Prime Minister Erdoğan in one of his articles will further restrict free speech in Turkey, Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said.

OSCE human rights chief calls on Czech authorities to address segregation and social exclusion to help prevent anti-Roma incidents

Lenarčič said there is an indication that the problems facing the Roma minority in the Czech Republic have yet to be addressed at their core.

Veteran journalists, UN deputy chief urge Security Council to do more to protect reporters

Journalists gathered at Chaklala Airbase in Rawalpindi, where they covered Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's visit to flood-hit Pakistan in 2010.

Indonesia: Forestry Failures Jeopardize ‘Green Growth’

Region’s Smog Shows Need for Better Oversight; More Than US$7 Billion Lost

Government corruption and mismanagement plague Indonesia’s forestry sector, with serious consequences for human rights and the environment, Human Rights Watch said in a report released.

Cameroon: LGBTI Rights Activist Found Dead, Tortured

Authorities Should Investigate Death, Condemn Violence

Cameroonian authorities should immediately conduct an effective and thorough investigation into the torture and killing of Eric Ohena Lembembe, an activist and journalist who was found dead at his home in Yaoundé on the evening of July 15. Lembembe, executive director of the Cameroonian Foundation for AIDS (CAMFAIDS), was an outspoken activist who defended the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people.

Syria at risk of sliding further into chaos, senior UN officials tell Security Council

UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos briefs Security Council via video from Geneva.

China: End Discrimination, Exclusion of Children With Disabilities

Make Inclusive Education a Reality by Addressing Barriers in School

Children with disabilities face significant hurdles in accessing education in China, and a substantial number of them receive no education at all, Human Rights Watch said in a report released. In higher education, government guidelines allow universities to restrict or bar access to applicants and students with certain physical or mental disabilities.

UN launches joint project to protect 100,000 women in South Asia from trafficking

Of the 21 million in forced labour 70% are in forced labour exploitation and 22% are in forced sexual exploitation.

Zimmerman Shooting Verdict Prompts Pointed Reactions

Passionate, but mostly peaceful protests, have erupted in several U.S. cities after a Florida man was acquitted of murder and manslaughter in the highly-publicized shooting death of a black teenager last year.

UN agency concerned over new restrictions for Syrian refugees fleeing to Egypt

This family fled from the Syrian town of Qusayr.