Human Rights

Puberty is not a problem to be solved: Empowering girls to succeed at school

Identity and self-confidence are Found to be Impacted during this Transformative Time

Human rights: Uganda and Nigeria; Russia; human trafficking in Sinai

Parliament passed three separate resolutions on Thursday, calling for urgent political dialogue with Uganda and Nigeria under the Cotonou Agreement on the recent laws against homosexuals; calling on the Russia to review the sentences passed on the Bolotnaya Square demonstrators; and calling for coordinated regional action to tackle human trafficking in Sinai.

Voicing alarm at recent spike, UN human rights experts urge Iran to halt executions

Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Christof Heyns.

US: Surveillance Practices Violate Rights

US Record Under Review at UN

The United Nations Human Rights Committee should conclude that US electronic surveillance and intelligence gathering violate fundamental civil and political rights, including the right to privacy.

Iraq: Don’t Legalize Marriage for 9-Year-Olds

Draft Law Huge Step Back for Women, Girls

Demonstrators in Baghdad call International Women's Day a "day of mourning" in protest of Iraq's new draft Jaafari Personal Status Law, which would restrict women's rights in matters of inheritance, parental and other rights after divorce, make it easier for men to take multiple wives, and allow girls to be married from age 9. March 8, 2014.

In Ukraine, UN official discusses human rights measures to de-escalate current crisis

Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Šimonovic.

Uganda: Anti-Homosexuality Law Challenged

Petitioners Say Law Violates Constitution, International Law

A diverse group of Ugandan individuals and nongovernmental organizations filed a constitutional challenge to the Anti-Homosexuality Act on March 11, 2014. President Yoweri Museveni signed the bill into law on February 24.

Ghana: Monitor Mental Health Facilities

At Heavenly Ministries Spiritual Revival and Healing Center, some people with presumed mental disabilities lived in buildings with cubicles for each resident and were chained to walls. They could not leave the cubicles without permission of the staff at the prayer camp.

Central African Republic: Seleka Fighters Attack Village

Divina Beamkoma, 7, was shot in the legs while fleeing heavily armed Seleka fighters and Muslim Peuhl herders attacking her village of Boawi on February 26, 2014.

UN Human Rights Council: Egypt Rights Abuses in Spotlight

Member States Call on Cairo to End Violations, Ensure Justice

A joint declaration by 27 United Nations member states expressing concern about Egypt’s repeated use of excessive force against demonstrators turned the international spotlight on Egypt’s human rights abuses. It was the firstsuch action at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva since Egyptian security forces killed hundreds of protesters in dispersing a sit-in at Raba’a Square in Cairo on August 14, 2013.