Human Rights

UK: Protect Migrant Domestic Workers

Don’t Dismiss Reports of Forced Labor, Exploitation

The UK government should address, not dismiss, evidence that employers have abused migrant domestic workers in the UK, Human Rights Watch and the UK charity Kalayaan said. A draft law before parliament is aimed at combating forced labor and other criminal offences but does not address a visa system that contributes to the abuse of migrant domestic workers by their employers.

New global data expose acute prevalence of violence against children: UNICEF

The largest-ever compilation of data on violence against children shows the staggering extent of physical, sexual and emotional abuse -- and reveals the attitudes that perpetuate and justify violence, keeping it ‘hidden in plain sight’ in every country and community in the world.

Israel: Reverse Illegal Plans for West Bank

Land Seizure, Settlement Construction, Forcible Displacement of Palestinians

Israel should immediately reverse its illegal appropriation of a large swath of land in the occupied West Bank south of Jerusalem, Human Rights Watch said. The appropriation, announced on September 1, 2014, paves the way for substantial settlement construction near the West Bank town of Bethlehem. Transferring civilian settlers into occupied territory would amount to a war crime.

Cluster Munitions Ban: National Laws Needed

Annual Treaty Meeting Opens in Costa Rica

Countries around the world should enact strong laws to implement the treaty banning cluster munitions, Human Rights Watch said in a report released at an international meeting of nations party to the treaty.

Turkey: Internet Freedom, Rights in Sharp Decline

Roll Back Regressive Laws

Turkey, the host of a UN-sponsored Internet forum September 2-5, 2014 in Istanbul, has an abysmal record of protecting free expression online. In recent months, the Turkish government has expanded its powers to censor online content and to monitor Internet activity without independent oversight.

Iraq: Islamic State Executions in Tikrit

New Analysis Triples Toll, to 560-770

New evidence about executions carried out by the Islamic State (IS) in Tikrit after it seized the city in June 2014 triples the estimated death toll and shows additional execution sites, Human Rights Watch said.

Syria: Evidence of Islamic State Cluster Munition Use

Continued Government Use as Well

Credible evidence has emerged that Islamic State forces used ground-fired cluster munitions in at least one location in northern Syria in recent weeks. The use of cluster munitions by non-state actors such as the Islamic State shows the urgent need for Syria and all nations that have not yet done so to join the ban on cluster munitions and destroy their stockpiles.

Ukraine: Rising Civilian Toll in Luhansk

At least 300 Civilians Killed since May, Many in Indiscriminate Bombings

Unlawful government and insurgent attacks in and around Luhansk are contributing to rising civilian casualties. According to a morgue doctor in Luhansk, explosive weapons have killed more than 300 civilians in the city since May.

Pakistan Opposition Refuses to Halt Protests

Pakistan’s powerful military convened an unprecedented meeting of its top leadership on Sunday, amid continuing clashes between police and protesters who demand that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif step down. Violence since Saturday has left at least three people dead and more than 400 wounded.

World Bank Helps Combat Malnutrition among Mothers and Children

The World Bank approved US$47.95 million to help the Government of Pakistan improve nutrition status of children under two years of age, and of pregnant and lactating women in targeted areas.