Human Rights

Refugee crisis: European Commission to give €28 million in humanitarian aid to Jordan

The European Commission will give €28 million in humanitarian aid to support Syrians displaced by the conflict in their host communities in Jordan.

UAE: A Move to Protect Migrant Workers

‘Contract Fraud’ Measure Can Deter Forced Labor

A United Arab Emirates ministerial decree that takes effect in January 2016 could help protect low-paid migrant workers from a practice that can contribute to forced labor. It is the first measure of its kind in Gulf Cooperation Council countries, but it lacks details on implementation and enforcement and does not apply to domestic workers.

In Lesbos Tragedy, the Shape of Europe’s Migrant Scandal

On October 28, 2015, a Turkish fishing boat carrying some 300 people trying to reach Europe sank near Greece, causing at least 7 to drown, including 4 children, with at least 34 still missing.

Cambodia: Chilling Account of Attacks on Legislators

Brazen Assault on Opposition Calls for UN Investigation

Two opposition members of parliament described in chilling detail how an organized group dragged them from their cars and beat them as they tried to leave Cambodia’s National Assembly building in Phnom Penh on October 26, Human Rights Watch said today. Prime Minister Hun Sen called for the surrender of those who attacked Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) members of parliament Kung Sophea and Nhay Chamraoen, who are recuperating from serious injuries in a Bangkok hospital. However, the police have made no arrests, despite extensive video and photo coverage of the attacks.

Migratory crisis: EU Council Presidency steps up information sharing between member states by activating IPCR

European Council has taken over the last weeks a number of decisions to respond to the current migratory crisis. The scale of migratory flows has demonstrated the need for a more coordinated information sharing.

Saudi Arabia: Prize to Jailed Blogger Spotlights Oppression

EU, Member States Should Press for Raif Badawi’s Release

The awarding of the European Parliament’s 2015 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, on October 29, 2015, to the jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi highlights Saudi Arabia’s brutal repression of peaceful activists and dissidents. Saudi authorities should immediately and unconditionally release Badawi, who was sentenced in 2014 to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for insulting Islam by setting up a liberal website.

Iran: End Ban on Women at Volleyball Matches

Volleyball Federation’s Tolerance of Exclusion Brings ‘Shame to the Game’

Women in Iran are prevented from attending men's sports in stadiums (still from animation).

Lebanon: Pledge Action on Rights

UN Review is an Opportunity for Progress on Promised Reforms

The government of Lebanon should use the United Nations Human Rights Council review of its record to pledge concrete measures to address its longstanding human rights issues.

‘Very significant number’ of Eritreans joining exodus to Europe – UN Assembly told

Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea Mike Smith.

Human rights must be at the heart of historic election period in Myanmar – UN expert

Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar Yanghee Lee.