Human Rights

OSCE Special Representative praises government and civil society efforts to combat human trafficking in USA

The OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Ambassador Madina Jarbussynova, commended efforts by US Government and civil society in the fight against human trafficking at the end of her Official Country Visit on Friday.

North Korea: End Kim Family’s Legacy of Abuse

Kim Jong-Il Entrenched Abuses, Personality Cult, and Mass Starvation

North Korea’s decision to celebrate late leader Kim Jong-Il’s birthday on February 16, 2016, with a satellite launch should not distract the international community from the regime’s extensive abuses, Human Rights Watch said on February 13. Instead, the international community and the United Nations should focus on steps to bring the Kim family to account for the grave violations and crimes against humanity they have inflicted on the North Korean people.

Yemen: Cluster Munitions Wounding Civilians

US Supplied Weapon Banned by 2008 Treaty

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition is using internationally banned cluster munitions supplied by the United States in Yemen despite evidence of civilian casualties, Human Rights Watch said on February 14. Recently transferred US-manufactured cluster munitions are being used in civilian areas contrary to US export requirements and also appear to be failing to meet the reliability standard required for US export of the weapons.

Afghan casualties hit record high 11,000 in 2015 – UN report

The United Nations reported on 14 February that Afghan hostilities in 2015 left more than 3,500 civilians dead, including an unprecedented number of children – one in four casualties over the past year was a child – and nearly 7,500 others wounded, making this the highest number of civilian casualties recorded.

Central African Republic: UNICEF calls upon presidential candidates to make a strong commitment to children

As Central African voters prepare to cast their ballot on Sunday to elect their next President and members of Parliament, UNICEF is asking the candidates to place the interests of children at the heart of the political agenda by making strong commitments and investing in survival, education and child protection.

Thailand: Investigate Attack on ‘Sea Gypsies’

Halt Forced Eviction, Assess Claims to Chao Lay Ancestral Land

Thai authorities should urgently investigate the violent attacks and forced evictions against indigenous Chao Lay, known as sea gypsies, in Phuket province and bring those responsible to justice, Human Rights Watch said today. The Thai government is obligated under international law to protect the rights of all people within the country.

Child Abuse Costs Nations Billions of Dollars a Year: Panel

Laws, parent education and sex-abuse prevention programs are effective ways to keep kids safe, experts report.

Child abuse costs nations worldwide billions of dollars a year, experts report.

UAE: Jordanian Journalist Held Incommunicado

Nearly Two Months Without Contact

A Jordanian journalist working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been held incommunicado since the UAE Criminal Investigations Department in Abu Dhabi summoned him on December 13, 2015. UAE authorities should immediately disclose where they are holding the journalist, Tayseer al-Najjar, 42, and immediately allow him to contact a lawyer and his family.

Right to a fair trial: New rules to guarantee presumption of innocence

On 12 February, Ministers from the EU Member States have adopted new rules that will guarantee the presumption of innocence of anyone accused or suspected of a crime by the police or justice authorities. The Directive also ensures that everyone benefits from the right to be present at their trial.

'They are our strongest allies,' UN political chief says, urging efforts to engage terrorism victims

At a Headquarters conference on the human rights of terrorism victims, the top United Nations political official on 11 February urged Member States to engage with victims of terrorism and violent extremism, especially the young and the vulnerable, to build on previous commitments and ensure that their human rights are fully respected.