Human Rights

Thailand: Activists, Journalist Arrested for Vote-No Campaign

Junta Further Restricts Criticism of Draft Constitution

Thai authorities arrested four activists campaigning against the military junta’s draft constitution and a journalist reporting on the campaign, Human Rights Watch said on JUl 11. A referendum on the proposed constitution is scheduled for August 7, 2016.

Stand up for and invest in teenage girls, UN says on World Population Day

Students laugh as they leave school in Bangladesh.

Saudi Coalition Airstrikes Target Civilian Factories in Yemen

Unlawful Attacks Harm Economy, Show Need for Victim Compensation

Seventeen workers remained inside the Middle East Workshop for Sewing and Embroidery when coalition aircraft bombed it on February 14, 2016. One died and four sustained injuries.

calls on Kyrgyz authorities to implement UN Human Rights Committee decision

An ODIHR delegation visited human rights defender Azimjan Askarov in prison in Bishkek on 15 December 2011.

Muted cheers mark South Sudan’s fifth birthday, with millions displaced

Some are going home, but over 2.4 million South Sudanese will be far away for the fifth anniversary of independence, driven to flee by conflict, hunger and worry.

Gatluak Ruei Kon, 56, hugs his wife and one of his granddaughters in Akobo, in South Sudan’s Jonglei State. He has not seen his family for nearly two and half years.

Iraq: ISIS Rule Marked by Executions, Cruelty

Villagers Suffer During 21-Month Occupation


Syria: UN relief wing sounds alarm on behalf of some 300,000 people trapped in war-torn Aleppo

A girl stands barefoot on a muddy walkway between rows of tent shelters, in the Bab Al Salame camp for internally displaced persons, near the border with Turkey, in Aleppo Governorate, Syria.

US: Deaths in Immigration Detention

Newly Released Records Suggest Dangerous Lapses in Medical Care

Newly released United States government records summarizing investigations of the deaths of 18 migrants in the custody of US immigration authorities support a conclusion that subpar care contributed to at least seven of the deaths, Human Rights Watch said on July 7.

UN condemns this week's deadly gun violence in US

Protestors in New York City demonstrate in the wake of the verdict in the case of the police shooting of Missouri teenager Michael Brown (24 November 2014).

Surveillance amendments in new law in Germany pose a threat to media freedom, OSCE Representative says, asks Bundestag to reconsider bill

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović, expressed on 8 July concern about a proposed law on the German Foreign Intelligence Agency (BND, Bundesnachrichtendienst), which was debated in the Bundestag, Germany’s Federal Parliament, on 8 July.