Human Rights

Top European Court confirms crucial legal protections for WiFi hotspot operators

The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has on 15 September rightly confirmed that public WiFi hotspots do indeed benefit from the liability protections that have been essential to the growth of the European digital economy.

Russia: Failing to do Fair Share to Help Syrian Refugees

Aid, Resettlement, Asylum Procedures Fall Woefully Short

Russia’s contribution to meeting the needs of refugees displaced by the Syrian conflict has been negligible, while its military involvement in the conflict has been significant, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 13. Russia should use the upcoming summit meetings on the global refugee crisis to make commitments to share responsibility for refugees in line with its capacity.

More has to be done to deliver on European commitments for asylum seekers – UN refugee agency

A woman who is seeking asylum walks through the Cara reception center in Mineo, Sicily, on May 18, 2016. The camp, formerly a U.S. military barracks, holds approximately 3,000 people.

At opening of Human Rights Council, UN official warns that rights violations “will not disappear” if access blocked for international observers

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

China: 1,000 Evictions from Tibetan Buddhist Centers

End Threats to Families, Demolitions of Dwellings

Chinese authorities are reportedly forcing at least 1,000 religious adherents to withdraw from two major Tibetan Buddhist institutions, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 13. The government should resolve genuine safety and health issues at the Buddhist institutions without infringing on the rights to religious belief and freedom of movement.

UN concerned about conditions in former Boko Haram stronghold as hundreds of Nigerians return to ravaged villages

On 9 September, the UN refugee agency expressed concern over basic services and security in a territory formerly controlled by Boko Haram insurgents, as hundreds of internally displaced people are returning to their devastated villages and towns in the north-eastern state of Borno – only recently liberated by the Nigerian armed forces.

Egypt: New Penalties for Female Genital Mutilation

Further Reform Needed to Protect Girls

More stringent penalties for female genital mutilation approved by Egypt’s parliament on August 31, 2016, are a step toward eliminating the practice, but further legal and other reforms are needed, Human Rights Watch said on September 9. Egyptian authorities should make sure that laws and policies against female genital mutilation are enforced, including holding accountable medical facility directors who allow the practice to take place.

IUCN Congress boosts support for Indigenous peoples’ rights

Key decisions boosting support for Indigenous peoples’ rights have been adopted by IUCN State, government and civil society members on 9 September at the IUCN World Conservation Congress taking place in Hawaiʻi.

Egypt: New Penalties for Female Genital Mutilation

Further Reform Needed to Protect Girls

More stringent penalties for female genital mutilation approved by Egypt’s parliament on August 31, 2016, are a step toward eliminating the practice, but further legal and other reforms are needed, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 09. Egyptian authorities should make sure that laws and policies against female genital mutilation are enforced, including holding accountable medical facility directors who allow the practice to take place.

Greece: Migrant Children Held in Deplorable Conditions

End Unjustified Detention of Vulnerable Unaccompanied Kids

Greek police routinely lock up unaccompanied children in small, overcrowded, and unhygienic cells for weeks and months, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released on Sep 08.