Human Rights

Lebanon: Migrant Domestic Workers With Children Deported

Detention, Expulsion Interferes With Right to Family Life

Lebanon’s General Security agency has detained and deported migrant domestic workers apparently for having children in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch said on Apr 25. Authorities should stop deportations and release anyone detained for this reason. Denying residency renewals to long-term workers who have given birth while living in Lebanon disproportionately interferes with their right to family life.

UK: Tobacco Giant Should Respect Human Rights

British American Tobacco Shareholders Can Push for Supply Chain Improvements

An 8-year-old girl sorts and bundles tobacco leaves by hand near Sampang, East Java.

Status of declaration on indigenous peoples' rights in spotlight as UN forum opens in New York

Tadodaho Sid Hill, Chief of the Onondaga Nation, delivers the ceremonial welcome at the opening of the Sixteenth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Germany/Egypt: Agreement Risks Complicity in Abuses

Pact Could Tie Berlin’s Agents to Torture, Disappearances

The German parliament should reject a proposed security agreement with the Egyptian Interior Ministry, Human Rights Watch said on Apr 24. The agreement, which is scheduled for a vote on April 28, 2017, lacks human rights protections and would be with a security agency whose officers have committed torture, enforced disappearances, and most likely extrajudicial killings. As a result, it could make German officials complicit in serious human rights violations.

China: Don’t Force 8 Refugees Back to North Korea

Fleeing North Koreans Require Assistance and Urgent Protection

China should immediately disclose the whereabouts of eight North Korean refugees currently detained in China, publicly pledge that none of them will be returned to North Korea, and provide them with asylum or allow departure to a third country of their choice, Human Rights Watch said on Apr 23. North Koreans who are forced back after fleeing their country face a real risk of torture, sexual violence and abuse, incarceration in forced labor camps, and public executions, making them refugees sur place in the need of urgent protection.

Accountability for rights abuses in South Sudan 'more important than ever,' says senior UN official

After recent skirmishes left thousands displaced, many civilians continue to seek safety in different locations in Wau, South Sudan.

Equatorial Guinea: Free Human Rights Defenders

2 Prominent Activists Arbitrarily Detained

Equatorial Guinean authorities should immediately release two men who head the country’s leading human rights organization, seven human rights and transparency organizations said.

Gambia: Justice for Jammeh-Era Abuses Crucial

New Government Should Develop Roadmap for Prosecutions

Gambia’s government should act to prosecute those responsible for grave crimes committed during the 22-year rule of Yahya Jammeh. Fair trials are crucial for victims and their families and for building respect for the rule of law in the country.

Yemen: Houthi-Saleh Forces Using Landmines

Cease Use of Banned Weapons; Ensure Clearance, Victim Assistance

The Houthi-Saleh forces’ use of banned antipersonnel landmines in Yemen has caused numerous civilian casualties and hindered the safe return of civilians displaced by fighting, Human Rights Watch said on Apr 20. The Houthis and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh should immediately cease using these weapons and observe the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, which Yemen ratified in 1998.

More Brands Should Reveal Where Their Clothes are Made

17 Align with Transparency Pledge; Others Should Catch Up

More apparel and footwear companies should join 17 leading apparel brands that have aligned with an important new transparency pledge, a coalition of unions and human rights and labor rights advocates said in a joint report issued on Apr 20. The pledge commits companies to publish information that will enable advocates, workers, and consumers to find out where their products are made.