Human Rights

Yemen: Houthis Sentence Baha’i Man to Death

Drop Charges, End Persecution of Religious Minority

Houthi authorities should drop all charges against a Baha’i man who was sentenced to death on January 2, 2018 because of his religious beliefs, Human Rights Watch said on Feb 27, 2018. The Houthis should unconditionally release Hamed Kamal Haydara and the six other Baha’i men who appear to have been detained for practicing their faith.

US: Freezing Cells for Detained Migrants

Degrading Treatment by Border Officials

United States border agents routinely hold families, including infants, in freezing cells when it takes them into custody at or near the border, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Feb 28, 2018.

Morocco: New Violence Against Women Law

Progress, but Some Gaps; Further Reform Needed

Morocco’s new law on violence against women provides protections for survivors but contains gaps that should be addressed, Human Rights Watch said on Feb 26, 2018.

Egypt: Arrests Escalate Ahead of Unfair Elections

Terrorism Charges Against Peaceful Activists

Egyptian authorities carried out a series of arbitrary arrests in late January and February, 2018, in an escalating crackdown against political opposition, Human Rights Watch said on Feb 26, 2018. Among those arrested is Abd al-Moniem Abu al-Fotouh, a 2012 presidential candidate and the head of the Strong Egypt Party.

Rights violations in South Sudan may amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes, concludes UN panel

Remains of a burnt out home in Bor, South Sudan.

Ethiopia: New State of Emergency Risks Renewed Abuses

Overbroad, Vague Provisions Undercut Rights

Ethiopia’s newly proclaimed state of emergency risks further closing the space for peaceful political activity, Human Rights Watch said on Feb 23, 2018. The action dashed hopes that the release of key political prisoners days earlier was a first step toward more widespread political reforms. The government should promptly repeal or revise restrictions that violate the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly, association, and expression protected under international human rights law.

Iran: Stop Prosecuting Women Over Dress Code

Compulsory Hijab Laws Violate Women’s Rights

Iranian authorities should drop charges and stop prosecuting women for peacefully protesting Iran’s compulsory dress code (hijab) laws, Human Rights Watch said on Feb 24, 2018. At least three women who peacefully protested the hijab law have been arrested since the end of January 2018.

Iraq: Families of Alleged ISIS Members Denied IDs

Documents Needed for Movement, Welfare, Work, School

Mosul’s Civil Status Directorate.

New UN report cites violations of rights to freedom of opinion and expression in South Sudan

People at a Protection of Civilians Camp in Malakal, South Sudan, peacefully demonstrating and carrying signs, waiting on the side of the road for a UN convoy to pass by.

Sudan: Prisoner Release Left Many Activists Behind

Dozens Remain, Some Forcibly Disappeared

Dozens of prominent activists remain in detention in Sudan, despite the release of more than 50 people on February 18 and 19, 2018.