

Severely Obese Donors Raise Risks for Kids With Liver Transplant

Children with organs from these adult donors were more likely to lose grafts or die, study found.

Children who receive a liver from a severely obese adult organ donor are at greater risk for graft loss and death following their transplant surgery, according to a new study.


Brain's Connections May Predict Intelligence: Study

Intelligence based on prefrontal cortex's effective communication with rest of brain.

New research suggests that human intelligence may have a lot to do with the strength of connections between the brain's left lateral prefrontal cortex to the rest of the brain.


Hormone May Boost Aging, Failing Brains

Treatment might help healthy adults and those with early memory problems, study finds.

Treatment with growth hormone-releasing hormone improves memory and focus in healthy adults and in those who already show some signs of mental decline, new research finds.


More Evidence That Exercise Helps Fight Diabetes

Studies found staying active cut death risk in type 2 disease, which weight training helped prevent in men.

People with diabetes who boost their level of physical activity can reduce their risk of premature death, according to a new study.


Options Increasing for Coping With Kids' Food Allergies

Medication, herbs and desensitization offer alternatives to avoidance, experts say.

Kids with a serious food allergy generally have to steer clear of the offending food, but methods now under development could change that common scenario.


Researchers Make Critical Antibiotic Alternative Discovery

Researchers in Australia say they have made a critical discovery in the search for an alternative to antibiotics. Scientists say it is important to find new ways to treat illnesses without antibiotics, many of which are becoming less effective because microbes are becoming more resistant.


Living Without Lies Might Make You Healthier

For good health, be sure to eat fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and lie as seldom as possible.


Child Abuse Might Alter Onset of Menstruation in Girls

Those who suffered sexual, physical trauma began periods earlier or later than average



Sleep Loss Often Disruptive for City Kids With Asthma

Study linked combination to missed school days, ER visits and less sports participation.



Allergies May Plague Renters More Than Homeowners

Those who rent less likely to take steps to reduce indoor allergy triggers, study finds .
