Finance & Economics

International Monetary Fund Recognizes the Federal Government of Somalia After 22-year Interval

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recognized the Federal Government of Somalia, headed by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, paving the way for the resumption of relations after a 22-year interval. The decision is consistent with broad international support and recognition of the Federal Government. Recognition of the government allows the IMF to offer Somalia technical assistance and policy advice.

Commissioner Šemeta on tax evasion: Ecofin speaking points

It’s a bit of a surprise – but a very nice one – to be here in Dublin today, and to be able to share with you the outcome of a highly engaging discussion we had on tax evasion.

The surge in Member States’ appetite for progress and action in the fight against evasion is extremely welcome.

So what have did hear in today’s discussion?

I heard that our Member States want quick agreement on the EU Savings Directive and the mandates to negotiate stronger tax agreements with Switzerland and others.

International aid groups applaud reforms to food aid programs in Obama budget proposal


World Bank Group Strategy for India Boosts Support for Low-Income States

First strategy with goals on reducing extreme poverty, raising shared prosperity

The new World Bank Group strategy for India shifts support significantly to low-income states, where most of the poor live, and is the institution’s first country strategy to set specific goals on reducing poverty and increasing prosperity.

US Targets Web of Companies Accused of Evading Iran Sanctions

The U.S. Treasury Department said on Thursday it has imposed sanctions on an Iranian businessman, a Malaysian bank and a network of companies it accused of attempting to evade international sanctions on Iran through money laundering.

Ending Somali Piracy Will Need On-Shore Solutions and International Support to Rebuild Somalia

Although piracy episodes off the Horn of Africa have fallen in the last 12 months, a new World Bank analysis of its human and economic costs says that “Somalia cannot ‘buy’ its way out of piracy; nor can the international community rely solely on its law enforcement agencies to defeat pirates whether at sea or land.”

New Budget Cuts Cost of Living Adjustments for US Retirement Fund


President Obama’s FY 2014 Budget Demonstrates Compromise; Includes Positive Food Aid Reforms


MIGA Approves new Facility for Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank Group, announced Wednesday the Agency’s Board of Directors approved the creation of the Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility.

Malaysia joins OECD agreement on mutual acceptance of chemical safety data

Malaysia has joined the OECD system for the Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) in the Assessment of Chemicals, ensuring that its non-clinical safety data related to the protection of human health and the environment will be accepted by all 40 countries adhering to MAD.