Finance & Economics

World Bank Announces US$1 Billion Pledge to Africa’s Great Lakes Region, Targeting Energy, Roads, Agriculture, Cross-Border Trade, Health, and Jobs

On the first day of an historic joint United Nations/World Bank Group mission to the Great Lakes region, the World Bank Group announced $1 billion in proposed new funding to help countries in the region provide better health and education services, generate more cross-border trade, and fund hydroelectricity projects in support of the Great Lakes peace agreement that was signed by 11 countries in February.

Turkey Seeks to Benefit From Islamic Banking Sector

With the international economic crisis continuing to bite, the Turkish government has announced it will be seeking to tap into the $1 trillion Islamic financial industry.

Dominican Republic: Improved Investment Climate, Infrastructure and Skills Top National Action Plan to Foster Growth, Jobs and Opportunities for All


Poverty Rate Came Down to 27.4 Percent in 2012

The National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO) has been conducting the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) since 1966. It merged the HIES and the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) in July, 2007 under the title of Household Socio-Economic Survey (HSES), and has been conducting this HSES survey since then.

Tanzania Could Boost its Economy by Reforming the Port of Dar es Salaam - World Bank

Tanzania and its East African neighbors could boost their annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by up to US$1.8 billion and US$ 830 million respectively by taking measures to improve the efficiency of the Port of Dar es Salaam, according to the latest Tanzania Economic Update published by the World Bank.

World Bank Grant Supports “Accountability Upgrade” in Yemen to Drive Transparency and Efficiency

A US$5 million grant will improve efficiency, transparency and accountability of public finance management systems and institutions in Yemen and respond to popular demands for government that address the needs of citizens.

Philippine Workers in Taiwan Feel Backlash

Advocates for Philippine migrant workers say they are concerned about the effects of a hiring freeze Taiwan's government has put in place against the Philippines. The move came less than a week after a Philippine Coast Guard crew admitted shooting at a Taiwanese vessel, killing a fisherman.

Lao PDR Receives US$ 8 million from the World Bank to Strengthen the National Statistical System

Newly signed Grant Agreement supports the National Statistical System in Lao PDR to improve access, quality and reliability of macroeconomic and poverty statistics

The Vice Minister of Finance of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, H.E. Santiphab Phomvihane and the World Bank Country Manager for Lao PDR Keiko Miwa, signed today grant agreement in the amount of US$8 million to further support the Government’s efforts in strengthening National Statistical System and improving production, availability and use of quality statistics.

Obama Turns Focus on Middle-Class Jobs

U.S. President Barack Obama says he is focusing on ways to help the American middle class make economic gains, to bring them in line with the economic recovery of big business.

IMF Executive Board Approves FY14–16 Medium-Term Budget

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the IMF’s financial year (FY) 2014 administrative and capital budgets and endorsed indicative budgets for FY2015–16.