Finance & Economics

European Union and OECD agreed to foster the progress in developing global standard of automatic exchange of tax information

The second day of the Informal ECOFIN meeting in Vilnius benefited from the discussion on the vision of future shape of the financial system with particular attention on crisis prevention and a discussion about fight against tax fraud and evasion.

Philippines: Coalition for Reforms Could Speed Up Creation of More and Better Jobs – World Bank

The Philippines has a great window of opportunity to deepen reforms that will put the country on an irreversible path towards inclusive growth – one that generates more jobs and reduces extreme poverty. If Filipinos could work together for a broad reform coalition that will commit to continuing the current positive trends on good governance and the economy, the Philippines could make growth more inclusive, creating more and better jobs.

Irish recovery underway, but more inclusive growth and job creation needed, says OECD


More Oil Fields in South Sudan Come Back On Stream

Two oil fields in South Sudan's Unity state came back on stream, 21 months after they were shut down amid a row with Khartoum over pipeline fees.

Costa Rica First to Negotiate Sale of Forestry Carbon Credits

Country forges ahead to protect 340,000 hectares, benefit rural communities, and meet its 2021 carbon neutrality goal.


GAFSP Set To Reach More Than 10 Million Farmers across 25 Countries

Partners in the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), a multi-donor trust fund established in 2010 to improve food security in the world’s poorest countries, announced the allocation of $254.5 million in grants to eight countries. The grants will support country-led initiatives to increase agricultural productivity, improve food and nutrition security, and reduce poverty in Burkina Faso, Honduras, Kyrgyz Republic, Mali, Nicaragua, Uganda, Yemen, and Zambia.

Parliament demands tougher rules to save the European eel stock

Fresh legislation is urgently needed to save the European eel stock, which scientists report has declined by at least 95% in the past thirty years, says Parliament in a resolution voted. MEPs urge the European Commission to table a draft law by March 2014, including sanctions against EU member states that are slow to provide the data needed to assess the stock.

"The eel is critically endangered and the member states are doing too little to save it. That is why the European Parliament calls on the Commission to present a new legislative proposal aimed at the recovery of European eel. The new law must close the loopholes in the current legislation which have led to the continued overfishing and unsustainable trade in eels", said rapporteur Isabella Lövin (Greens/EFA, SE).

ICTs are creating new jobs and making labor markets more innovative, inclusive, and global – World Bank study

Individuals, firms, and governments will reap the benefits of these changes

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are transforming the world of work, creating new job opportunities and making labor markets more innovative, inclusive, and global, says a new policy note released by the World Bank.

Youth unemployment: ensure good quality traineeships, say MEPs

"Youth guarantee" schemes alone will not suffice to reduce youth unemployment, MEPs warn. They call for further measures to make it easier for young people to move to jobs or training, and EU support and quality standards for traineeships and apprenticeships, in two separate resolutions voted.

Mortgages: “The new rules will make irresponsible lending more difficult”
