Finance & Economics

OECD formally launches Colombia’s accession process

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría formally launched Colombia’s accession process with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

European Central Bank publishes second SEPA migration report

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published its second report on migration to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), analysing the state of play in euro area countries in creating a single market for credit transfers and direct debits in euro across Europe. The report also provides guidance on managing the transition process.

Internationalized Domain Names still to reach full potential

Despite important advances more work is needed by all parties if Internationalized domain names are to foster the growth of multilingualism online, according to the 2013 EURid-UNESCO World Report on Internationalized Domain Names published with the support of Verisign.

Madagascar poll could be a path from poverty

A brick maker in the Madagascan capital of Antananarivo.

World Bank Board Approves $250 Million Support to Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project

About 2,500 permanent disaster resilient houses to be built and about 3,600 km of roads to be reconstructed

A $250 million credit to the state of Uttarakhand in India was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors to help the state in its post disaster recovery plans as well as strengthen its capacity for disaster risk management.

New opportunities open up for Eastern partners

President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, currently attending a European Council meeting in Brussels, briefed the European leaders on preparedness for the Vilnius Summit to be held this coming November. The heads of state and government of the EU member states took stock of the progress in European integration made by the EU's Eastern partners and discussed the homework these countries must do for an EU Association Agreement to be successfully signed with Ukraine and initialed with Moldova and Georgia at the Vilnius Summit.

Western Balkan Countries Develop Joint Strategy for Innovation-Based Economic Growth

The Western Balkans Regional Research and Development (R&D) Strategy for Innovation was adopted in Zagreb by the ministers of science from the region during the ministerial meeting on regional R&D.

Project Signing: Government of India and World Bank sign $360 Million agreement to strengthen and modernize water sector in Uttar Pradesh

About one million farm families will benefit

The government of India and the World Bank signed a $360 million credit agreement to help build the institutional capacity needed to increase agricultural productivity in Uttar Pradesh (UP) where agriculture will continue to play an important role in alleviating extreme poverty.

"We are the richest continent. We can do more" - President Schulz on migration at the European Council

EP president Martin Schulz

Chile should continue strengthening growth and well-being, says OECD
