Finance & Economics

New UK Living Wage to give living standards boost to over a million workers

From 1 April 2016 workers in the UK aged over 25 earning the minimum rate of £6.70 per hour will see a 50p increase.

UK National Living Wage supports the government’s vision of a higher wage, lower welfare, lower tax society.

UK's low carbon technology in the auto sector receives £75 million funding

Advanced Propulsion Centre reveals funding for latest 5 projects into low carbon research and development (R&D).

UK's Business Secretary Sajid Javid visits Morgan Motor Company which will develop high-performance, low carbon, hybrid and electric sports car powertrains.

World Bank Vice President Visits Poland and Discusses Opportunities for Cooperation with New Government

Cyril Muller, World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, completed his first two-day visit to Poland since becoming Regional Vice President for Europe and Central Asia. The visit focused on further enhancing the longstanding partnership between Poland and the World Bank Group, in support of inclusive growth and shared prosperity. Mr. Muller also introduced the newly appointed Country Director for the World Bank operational engagement in the European Union countries Arup Banerji to the key counterparts in the government, as well as in the NBP.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Slovak Republic

On January 11, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Slovak Republic.

IMF Executive Board Completes Second ECF Review for Ghana, and Approves US$114.6 Million Disbursement

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Monday completed the second review of Ghana’s economic performance under the program supported by an Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement. Completion of the review enables the disbursement of SDR 83.025 million (about US$114.6 million), bringing total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 249.075 million (about US$343.7 million).

Digital Technologies: Huge Development Potential Remains Out of Sight for the Four Billion Who Lack Internet Access

While Digital Technologies Have Spread Fast Worldwide, Their Digital Dividends Have Not

A new World Bank report says that while the internet, mobile phones and other digital technologies are spreading rapidly throughout the developing world, the anticipated digital dividends of higher growth, more jobs, and better public services have fallen short of expectations, and 60 percent of the world’s population remains excluded from the ever-expanding digital economy.

IMF Executive Board Completes Review of Poland’s Performance under the Flexible Credit Line Arrangement

On January 13, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed its review of Poland’s qualification for the arrangement under the Flexible Credit Line (FCL), and reaffirmed its continued qualification to access FCL resources. At the request of Polish authorities, the Executive Board also lowered the FCL access to SDR 13 billion (about €16.59 billion). The Polish authorities stated their intention to continue treating the arrangement as precautionary.

New Energy Project Targets 150,000 Liberians for Increased Access to Affordable and Reliable Electricity

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors Monday approved a new financing agreement of US$27 million to increase access to affordable and reliable electricity and to foster the use of renewable energy sources in Liberia. This agreement comprises of US$25 million grant from the Strategic Climate Fund Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program and US$2 million International Development Association (IDA) credit.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Pakistan

On December 18, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV Consultation with Pakistan.

2016: year of corporate tax reform and fiscal transparency, Moscovici tells MEPs

2016 should be the year of corporate tax reform and fiscal transparency, tax Commissioner Pierre Moscovici told MEPs from the Special Committee on Tax Rulings and the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee at a hearing on Monday evening. “We have a serious problem with tax avoidance and lack of transparency. Too many people have looked the other way”, Mr Moscovici said.