Finance & Economics

IMF Staff Completes 2016 Article IV Mission to Sudan

A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Eric Mottu visited Khartoum from May 21–June 2 to hold discussions on the 2016 Article IV Consultation with Sudan.

IMF Staff Team Concludes Visit to Azerbaijan

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Mohammed El Qorchi visited Baku from May 19 to June 1 to hold discussions in the context of the 2016 Article IV Consultation.

Global economy stuck in low-growth trap: Policymakers need to act to keep promises, OECD says in latest Economic Outlook

eco outlook chart may 2016_0.png

IMF Staff Completes 2016 Article IV Mission to South Sudan

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff team led by Jan Mikkelsen, visited Juba from May 23 to June 1 to hold discussions in the context of the country’s 2016 Article IV Consultation.

Myanmar Growth Eases Slightly but Remains Robust in 2015-2016

The economic outlook remains strong. Sound macroeconomic policies and structural reforms including on access to electricity and finance will be key.


International trade statistics: trends in first quarter 2016

Slowdown in global merchandise trade accelerates in Q1 2016

G20 total international merchandise trade
Seasonally adjusted, current prices and US$ billion

Horn of Africa: World Bank $175 Million Financing Supports Regional Initiative on Communities Hosting Refugees

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved $175 million in financing to help mitigate the impact of forced displacement on refugee-hosting communities in the Horn of Africa, on 31 May.

Virginia Couple Sentenced to Prison in Tax Fraud Scheme

Defendants Submitted False Information to the IRS and Social Security Administration

Two Bedford, Virginia, residents were on 31 May sentenced to prison for criminal offenses arising out of a four-year scheme to defraud the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo and U.S. Attorney John P. Fishwick Jr. of the Western District of Virginia.

World Bank to provide US$43 Million in Concessional Financing to Djibouti for 2016-17 to Create Jobs, Support Incomes, and Improve Services for the Poor

The World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors endorsed an updated strategy to help Djibouti address vulnerability and improve service delivery, on 31 May. The Board also approved a total of $31 million in concessional financing for Djibouti from IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the world’s poorest countries, for 3 operations:, (i) US$20 million for the Development Response to the Displacement Impacts under the US$175 million Regional Horn of Africa Initiative; (ii) US$7 million additional financing for the Rural Community Development and Water Mobilization Project; and (iii) US$4 million additional financing for the Social Safety Net Project.

IMF Staff Concludes 2016 Article IV Mission to Tuvalu

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Dan Nyberg visited Tuvalu during May 19–30 to hold discussions with the Tuvalu authorities and other stakeholders on the 2016 Article IV Consultation.