Finance & Economics

Car emissions: MEPs' inquiry gearing up for second half

Parliament’s car emissions inquiry urgently needs more information from the EU Commission, it says in a resolution voted on Tuesday. Half-way through its mandate, the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS), has yet to receive some Commission documents on emission measurements and details of expert group work on vehicle type approval procedures, notes the text. The inquiry’s final report is due in spring 2017.

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to the Republic of Lithuania

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Vilnius during September 6-12, 2016, to discuss economic developments and government policies with the Lithuanian authorities.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation with Kiribati

On September 7, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Kiribati.

Australia should improve the quality of vocational education and training to help young people into work

Australia should follow up on the reform of its vocational education system by improving quality control in the VET sector and step up career guidance for young people to boost young people’s job prospects and reduce the share of under-30-year-olds who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs), according to a new OECD report.

World Bank Disburses $1 Billion to Egypt to Support Inclusive Growth Program

The World Bank disbursed US$ 1 billion to Egypt for the First Fiscal Consolidation, Sustainable Energy, and Competitiveness Programmatic Development Policy Financing (DPF), on 9 September.

World Bank Continues to Support Agriculture Sector in Montenegro

The World Bank Groups’ Board of Executive Directors approved an additional financing loan in the amount of EUR 3.0 million (US$ 3,343,800 equivalent) for the Montenegro Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening Project (MIDAS), on September 9.

Uncertain signs of steel market recovery, but urgent structural

challenges remain unaddressed

The world economic outlook remains weak. Recent months have been characterised by subdued domestic demand and productivity growth in advanced economies amid a further growth slowdown in many emerging economies. According to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook of 1 June 2016, world GDP growth is projected to remain weak, despite a gradual improvement from 3% in 2016 to 3.3% in 2017.

UK historic first as housing associations tenants buy homes

For the first time, housing association tenants have become homeowners under the new Voluntary Right to Buy scheme.

Sasha Dudley and partner Peter Taylor in Croydon, are some of the first tenants to benefit from one of the 5 associations piloting the new rights ahead of the scheme going nationwide.

Air Pollution Deaths Cost Global Economy US$225 Billion

Air pollution has emerged as the deadliest form of pollution and the fourth leading risk factor for premature deaths worldwide. Those deaths cost the global economy about US$225 billion in lost labor income in 2013, a new study finds, pointing toward the economic burden of air pollution.

Composite leading indicators point to stable growth momentum in the OECD area
