Finance & Economics

Sustainable growth, jobs and security: MEPs adopt 2018 budget priorities

Growth and jobs, particularly for young people, must remain key EU budget priorities, along with tackling migration and climate change, MEPs say in guidelines, voted on Wednesday, for EU Commission officials preparing the EU’s draft 2018 budget. The budget “must be equipped with the tools to enable it to respond to multiple crises simultaneously” and must also address EU citizens' safety and security concerns, they add.

US$100 Million to Protect the Environment and Promote Development in Tunisia’s Poorest Regions

The World Bank on March 15, announced a US$100 million project to support better management of forests, rangelands and agricultural landscapes for more jobs and increased incomes in the North-West and Center-West regions of Tunisia, where almost half of the poorest segment of the population are concentrated.

Korea needs to put green growth vision into action


World Bank to Expand its Support for Poorest in Pakistan

The World Bank on March 15, approved a package of measures worth $450 million to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in Pakistan. The initiatives include expanding banking services and financial access, strengthening the social safety net to improve the quality of coverage to those who need it most, as well as promoting tourism for growth in Punjab through encouraging private-sector development to provide more opportunities.

Moldovan Firms Spend Less Time Dealing with Regulatory Authorities, but Other Costs of Doing Business Reveal Worrying Trends, says World Bank Report

In Moldova, the time spent by companies dealing with regulatory authorities decreased in 2016, after a decade of no meaningful change, according to the Cost of Doing Business 2016 survey, released by the World Bank Group and the Government of Moldova, on March 14.

IMF Staff concludes 2017 Article IV Mission to Mauritania and Launches Discussions on an IMF Supported Program

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Mr. Eric Mottu, visited Nouakchott from February 28 to March 13, 2017 to hold discussions on the 2017 Article IV consultations with the Mauritanian authorities and to discuss an economic program that could be supported by an arrangement under the Fund’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF).

Deeper Integration Vital for Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Report Says

A deeper economic integration among Latin American and Caribbean countries will make the region more competitive in international markets and boost long-term growth, according to a new World Bank report.

Spain: Maintain reform momentum to enhance economic recovery and boost inclusive growth

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Labor Market Improvements Can Help Unlock Potential of Bulgaria’s Digital Landscape, Says World Bank

Countries in the European Union (EU) must enact policies designed to better help workers adapt to new jobs being created by the internet if they want to avoid increasing inequality and exclusion in the region, notes a new World Bank Report.

World Bank Approves New Financing to Support Infrastructure Development across Indonesia

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved on March 10, 2017, $100 million in financing that will enable subnational governments to scale up investments in infrastructure and improve the welfare of communities and the competitiveness of districts across Indonesia.