Finance & Economics

IMF Executive Board Adopts Decisions to Formally Recognize the Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (CPIFR) for Banking

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on May 24, endorsed a proposal on the use of the Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (CPIFR), which were developed by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) with the participation of the Secretariat of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

IMF Executive Board Adopts Decisions to Formally Recognize the Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (CPIFR) for Banking

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on May 24, endorsed a proposal on the use of the Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (CPIFR), which were developed by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) with the participation of the Secretariat of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

Security Union: Commission welcomes agreement on its proposal to tackle illicit cash flows

The Commission has welcomed the agreement reached by EU Member States and the European Parliamenton key measures to control illicit cash flows in and out of the EU, on May 23.

IRS issues new Strategic Plan; five-year plan's goal to help taxpayers

The Internal Revenue Service released a new five-year Strategic Plan outlining goals to improve taxpayer service and tax administration on May 23, 2018.

Korea, World Bank Join Forces to Build World-Class Scientific Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa

Today, the World Bank and the Government of Korea reinforced their ongoing partnership to support Sub-Saharan Africa’s universities and research institutions in growing highly qualified local talent in areas important for Africa’s transformation, such as renewable energy, big data, artificial intelligence, and engineering.

IMF Staff Completes 2018 Article IV Mission to Saudi Arabia

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Tim Callen held discussions from May 2–14 for the 2018 Article IV Consultation with Saudi Arabia.

Turkish Gas Storage Facility Continues to Expand Through a New World Bank Loan

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, on May 22, approved a US$600 million loan for the Gas Storage Expansion Project in Turkey. The project’s aim is to increase the reliability and security of gas supply in Turkey by expanding the underground gas storage facility near Tuz Gölü.

Public Opinion survey finds record support for EU, despite Brexit backdrop

The latest Parliament Eurobarometer survey, published one year ahead of the European elections in May 2019, confirms citizens’ steadily growing support for the European Union.

IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility Supported Program

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Nadeem Ilahi, visited Sarajevo and Banja Luka during May 7-21, 2018, to discuss recent economic developments and policies for the second review of the Bosnia and Herzegovina economic program, supported under the IMF’s Extended Fund Facility (EFF).

Trump Claims New Accord with China on Trade Negotiations

President Donald Trump says a breakthrough has been achieved with China on trade issues.

The president tweeted early Monday that China "has agreed to buy massive amounts of ADDITIONAL Farm/Agricultural Products -- would be one of the best things to happen to our farmers in many years!"