

World Bank and Government of Kosovo Sign Agreement for Education Improvements Project

The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, and the World Bank’s Country Manager for Kosovo, Jan-Peter Olters, have signed on November 20 the Letters of Agreements for the US$11 million (about €9.8 million) credit for the Kosovo Education System Improvement Project that aims at strengthening selected systems that contribute to quality, accountability, and efficiency improvements in education in the Republic of Kosovo.


UNESCO adopts international standards to promote adult and vocational education

The 38th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO has adopted revised standards to promote vocational education and training, adult education, as well as physical education and sport.

The General Conference, held in Paris, France, from 3 to 18 November, adopted a revised Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The new text is oriented towards life-long learning and ensuring that all youths and adults acquire knowledge, skills and competences for work and life. However, the Recommendation does not include specific funding commitments to achieve this goal.


Member States reaffirm importance of UNESCO at 70th anniversary session of General Conference

The President of the General Conference, Stanley Mutumba Simataa


UN refugee agency looks to boost collaboration with EI

As the perilous situation facing refugees continues, the United Nations’ refugee agency has turned to Education International in an effort to work together toward ensuring that all displaced children receive their right to an education.


On World Day, UNESCO hails philosophy as ‘force for individual and collective emancipation’

Sculpture "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin. World Philosophy Day takes place every November.


The ILO demands that Ecuador respect public workers’ human and trade union rights



International Charter of Physical Education revised to ensure more inclusive access to physical activity

UNESCO Member States have adopted a revised International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport recognizing the importance of sport for development and peace during the 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference, which met at the Organization’s Headquarters from 3 to 18 November.

“The adoption of the revised Charter should mark a shift away from words towards action, from policy intent to implementation. It sets the tone for a new international sport policy debate, which should now focus on the exchange of good practice, education and training programmes, capacity development, and advocacy. This is also a strong recognition of physical education as a driver for promoting gender equality, social inclusion, non-discrimination and sustained dialogue in our societies” said UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova.


Norwegian teachers take a stance for refugees and object to the commercialisation of education

At its fifth national congress, the Union of Education Norway called on the government to open its arms to refugees, and also strongly opposed looming trade deals that threaten to commercialise education.


Students call for education without borders



Chile/WB: Support for Greater Educational Opportunities and Improved Targeting of Social Programs

Project Accompanies Government Efforts to Improve Educational Equity and Strengthen Social Development Institutions

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved US$100 million in financing Monday to accompany development policies aimed at promoting equity and social inclusion, through actions that will foster access to a quality education, improved poverty measurements and increased targeting for social programs.