SOMALIA: US bank move highlights importance of remittances

Somalis abroad remit more than a billion dollars a year to relatives in their homeland
Latin American growth predicted to slow down due to economic crisis – UN report
Economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean will slow down next year due to the sluggish performance of the world economy and uncertainty and volatility of financial markets, warns a United Nations report released today.
The report...
Willing To Sacrifice After A Long Time Out Of Work

According to a survey by NPR and the Kaiser Family Foundation, 44 percent of the long-term unemployed and 35 percent of the...
Tracking An Order In Real-Life Santa's Workshops

Javier Polendo, an employee at a largely automated fulfillment center in Tucson, Ariz., scans items to be shipped...
U.S. Real Earnings in November 2011
U.S. International Transactions: Third Quarter 2011
The U.S. current-account deficit—the combined balances on trade in goods and services, income, and net unilateral current transfers—decreased to $110.3 billion (preliminary) in the third quarter of 2011, from $124.7 billion (revised) in the second...
White House Kills Dollar Coin Program

Dollar coins gathering dust in the Fed's Baltimore brach.
The State Of The Long-Term Unemployed

People wait to see a career adviser at a training center operated by the New York Department of Labor in New...
Fed to the Rescue! But the System Can't Be Saved
France now, for the moment, tops the list of Euroland countries giving agita to financiers and bankers around the world. The decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve to cut 50 basis points on dollar swap rates, to European central banks, prevented a...
Oil Boom Puts Strain On North Dakota Towns

On the road from Williston to New Town, N.D., gleaming new...