Finance & Economics

World Bank to Help Scale-Up Water Sanitation Coverage in Indonesia

Over 11 million Indonesians across the country are set to benefit from improved water and sanitation facilities following approval of additional financing by the World Bank Board of Directors.

Trade facilitation agreement would add billions to global economy, says Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Multilateral agreement to cut red tape in international trade would dramatically reduce trading costs and add a substantial boost to the global economy, according to new OECD research.

EU-Ukraine Conclusions on the Roundtable Gas Market Developments in Ukraine

Participants recognised the progress being made by Ukraine to increase its energy security, inter alia through the modernisation of its gas transportation system, the diversification of its sources of gas, and its efforts to move forward with gas...

Telecoms: Commission suspends Austrian plans to regulate high bandwidth of leased lines

The European Commission has expressed serious doubts over draft measure notified by the Austrian telecoms regulator (RTR) on the wholesale market for terminating segments of leased lines - the final part of the network. Leased lines are dedicated...

Austerity Seriously Affecting Health in Europe, North America

Europe and North America - that's according to a team of researchers at U.S. and European universities. Rates of suicide, depression and infectious diseases are up, and even malaria, eradicated from most Western countries decades ago, has staged a...

EU SMEs have the potential to create 23 million jobs
£30 million investment in UK health research centre to tackle major diseases

The UK’s world-leading medical science base has been boosted by £30 million of government and private investment in a new cutting edge research centre at the University of Oxford, Prime Minister David Cameron announced.

China Receives US$95 Million Grant to End Production of Ozone-Depleting Global-Warming Gases to help Meet its Targets under the Montreal Protocol

China, the world's largest producer of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), received a US $95 million grant on April 23, 2013 to help reduce its production of HCFCs.

Deleveraging Abating in Emerging Europe Amid Regulatory and Structural Shifts

The second wave of funding reductions by western banks vis-à-vis Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe (CESEE) that started in mid-2011 is petering out. However, funding reductions have not stopped in all countries of the region and remain...

New UN partnership to focus on trade reforms and poverty reduction in Arab countries

UNDP has helped establish small, women-run agricultural business cooperatives in rural Lebanon....