How Africa Can Transform Land Tenure, Revolutionize Agriculture, and End Poverty
Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly half of the world’s usable, uncultivated land but so far the continent has not been able to develop these unused tracts, estimated at more than 202 million hectares, to dramatically reduce poverty and boost growth...
OECD calls on G20 finance ministers to support next steps in clampdown on tax avoidance
The OECD presented to G20 finance ministers plans for a two-pronged attack on tax avoidance and evasion from both companies and individuals.
Closing tax gaps - OECD launches Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
National tax laws have not kept pace with the globalisation of corporations and the digital economy, leaving gaps that can be exploited by multi-national corporations to artificially reduce their taxes.
Vietnam Merchants Wait for Business, Economy to Pick Up
Vietnamese merchants in...
City of Detroit Files for Bankruptcy
Detroit, Michigan filed for bankruptcy in U.S. federal court, making it the largest municipality in U.S. history to seek Chapter 9 protection. The filing is the latest move that comes after years of population decline and decreasing tax revenues in a...
World Bank recommends reform of Poland’s public pay system
OECD, ILO call on G20 labour ministers to reinforce cooperation
Joint statement by ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría on the occasion of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting, Moscow, 18-19 July 2013
Multilateral Development Institutions Support a Robust Vision for Sustainable Development in Post-2015
The leaders of seven multilateral organizations have issued a joint appeal for global support of a report issued by a high-level UN panel that calls for ending extreme poverty and promoting sustainable development.
India: Green growth is necessary and affordable for India, says new World Bank Report
India can make green growth a reality by putting in place strategies to reduce environmental degradation at the minimal cost of 0.02% to 0.04% of average annual GDP growth rate. According to a new World Bank report released, this will allow India to...
Unemployment set to remain high in OECD countries through 2014 – youth and low-skilled hit hardest